Sustainable Community Project


The Challenge

As  a seat of learning, the university believes it should share its knowledge and new ideas. It has therefore initiated this project as a means to give back to society.  This then requires the participation of faculty, students and staff, who act as volunteers to assist commujnities to achieve the following:.

1. Strengthen sustainable qualities to improve the wellbeing of communities.

2. Encourage positive relationships between the university and local communities.

3. Instill a sense of community assistance in facultu, students and staff.

The Method

  1. A responsible team is deployed to a designated community to examine the causes and effects of any problems.

  2. The collected data are analyzed to identify the most practical solutions.

  3. CU students and staff are invited to participate in the project.

  4. Volunteers are encouraged to interact with the community to gain the local insight and understanding of problems to maximize the quality of solutions or outcomes.

Successful ongoing community projects include:

  • The Five S program, which refers to all community projects that are conducted in the five districts nearto the university: Samyan, Silom, Suan Luang, Siam Square and Suan Lumpini Park.

  • The OFOC (One Functional-Unit One Community), which is a project that aims to foster the overall well-being of a community by providing social-enhancment services, for example, free dental care, street cleaning, reforestation, sustainable fishery workshops and providing learning facilities for juveniles. These are community projects conducted outside Bangkok in Saraburi, Nakhon Pathom, Nan and Si Chang Island.

Information and news regarding the aims and progress of these Corporate Social Responsibilities or CSR, projects are disseminated on many media platforms, including local newspapers, TV channels and radio stations, blogs and websites to increase public awareness.


The Result

The number of volunteers, including faculty, students and staff is increasing annually, thanks to increased public awareness gained by promotion through multiple media platforms. This allows the university to expand future community projects as human resources is no longer a worry.


Next Step

The university  plans to expand the scale and frequency of future community projects as interest grows in participating.


โครงการ Green Chula  จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย 254 ถนนพญาไท แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กทม. 10330 โทรศัพท์: 02-215-3555

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