Water Recycling Project 


The Challenge

The university has been facing  increasing costs for water, particularly to maintain campus greenery, which covers over two square kilometers.

The aims of this program are to:

  1. Reduce water consumption  and costs within the university
  2. Promote effective use of recycled water and reduce wastewater released into surrounding communities

The Method

The university has constructed artificial ponds at various locations to collect rainwater and filter wastewater from surrounding buildings. To assure long-term success, fauclty, students and staff are encouraged to conserve water and refrain from disposing trash in the pools.

Short-and long-term plans are simultaneously executed as follows:
Short-term execution plan

  1. Personnel have been assigned to monitor the ponds’ water filtration systems and perform maintenance when necessary.
  2. Water pump trucks collect filtered wastewater from the artificial pools to water plants on campus.

Long-term execution plan

  1. Construct more pools at different locations to increase university water storage capacity and improve convenience of use.
  2. Explore ways to make more efficient use of the high water volume during the rainy season.


The Result

Apart from cost-saving benefits, this program has symbolic value as it represents the progress and intention of Chulalongkorn University to become a sustainable community.

I’m so happy we don’t need to uze fresh  water to water the plants. It’s such a smart idea when our resources are diminshing.

Nattha Khampham

Faculty of Economics

We have to utilize each drop  fo water shrewdly and not squander it. That also means turning off the tap each time after use .

Cheawchan Paisantheerajit

Faculty of Architecture


Next Step

For this project to reach its full potential, it requires the cooperation offaculty, students, staff and the general public to help maintain the quality of the artificial pools. Water filtration systems must be improved and more artificial pools need to be constructed at different campus locations s to increase  water storage capacity from surrounding buildings and rain.

I think the rain water should  be kept for later use. Releasing it into the sewage is not the right option. Everyone  should also figure out how to moderate their water usage

Saowaporn Worasinthot

Faculty of Architecture

When it rains, don’t squander it. We need to keep it for a future day, like for watering. Using the public water system can be quite costly.

Surasak Pongprasit

Faculty of Economics

Rain is really important. It provides our drinking water as well as waters our trees and plants. It shouldn’t be wasted.

Nattee Wattanakul

Faculty of Communication Arts


โครงการ Green Chula  จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย 254 ถนนพญาไท แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กทม. 10330 โทรศัพท์: 02-215-3555

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